
My biography

Elli Asker, hailing from Baku in the former Soviet Union, is an acclaimed fine art photographer now based in Södertälje, Sweden. Elli Asker works in various styles including still life, landscape, abstract, collages, and even documentary photography. ​ Elli's creative repertoire is a testament to the fusion of her cultural roots and the diverse environment of her current home. Navigating through a kaleidoscope of influences, she seamlessly blends the cultural heritage of her upbringing with contemporary narratives. ​ With a distinct blend of Scandinavian influences, she imbues her landscapes with a sophisticated simplicity, emphasizing beauty and clean lines. Specializing in capturing the subtle nuances of light, Asker often ventures into low-light environments, embracing the sought-after atmosphere of dusk, dawn, and inclement weather to create her elegant and atmospheric works, whether in color or black and white. ​ Her experimentation extends to still life, where she draws inspiration from the works of artists like Picasso and Morandi, employing various camera techniques to achieve a cubist style that adds depth and complexity to her compositions. ​ Her talent has garnered much international recognition, including a prestigious award at the Sony World Photography Awards Alpha Female Award in 2023 for her series «Cubist Still Life» and Gold winner in Budapest International Photography Awards on that year. Additionally, Asker won the Prix De La Photographie — State of the World in Paris, France, in 2022, for her impactful documentary series «Ukrainian Refugees.» Notably, she claimed second place at the International Photography Awards (IPA) in the USA in 2022 and earned a Silver Prize at the Tokyo International Photography Awards during the same year for other creating in fine art photography. ​ As a closing note: Elli works in her studio at Saltskog gård Cultural Association, where her presence contributes to enriching the cultural environment and provides visitors with a unique insight into her artistic process.

Awards & Mentions

2023 — Budapest International Foto Awards (BIFA), Gold Winner 2023 — Budapest International Foto Awards (BIFA), Honorable Mentions 2023 — International Photography Awards (IPA) — Honorable Mention 2023 — Sony World Photography Awards (SWPA) — Shortlist 2023 — Sony World Photography Awards (SWPA) — Alpha Female Award 2022 — Tokyo International Foto Awards (TIFA), Silver Winner 2022 — Tokyo International Foto Awards (TIFA), 2 Honorable Mentions 2022 — Budapest International Foto Awards (BIFA), 2 Honorable Mentions 2022 — ND Awards, 2 Honorable Mentions 2022 — Prix de la Photographie (PX3), State of the World, Curator Selection Winner 2022 — International Photography Awards (IPA) — 3-rd Winning Placement 2022 — International Photography Awards (IPA) — Honorable Mention 2022 — reFocus Awards, One Shot Photo Contest, — Honorable Mention and People's Vote 2022 — International Photography Awards (IPA) — Official Selection 2022 — MonoVisions Photography Awards — 4 Honorable Mentions 2022 — International Photography Awards (IPA) One Shot — Color — Jury Top 5, Honorable Mention

Solo vs Group Exhibitions

2024 — Pride House, Stockholm 2024 — Solo exhibition «Water in Diverse Forms: A Visual Exploration» Kretsen Art Gallery, Sweden 2024 — Solna Art Gallery. Jury-judged Vårsalong 2024 — Strängnäs Art gallery, Sweden 2024 — Stockholm's Art Gallery. Jury-judged Vårsalong 2024 — Zebra Art Gallery, Vårsalong 2023 — Kretsen Art Gallery, «MINI», Sweden 2023 — Strängnäs Art gallery, Sweden. Jury-judged Autumn salon 2023 — Art Bias, San Carlos, CA, USA. 2023 — Kretsen Art gallery, «New Artists Members», Södertälje, Sweden 2023 — Sony World Photography Awards 2023, Somerset House, London, UK 2022 — Paris Photo Prize (PX3) exhibition State of the World, Paris, France. 2022 — Trees, PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlebury, Vermont, USA /Juror: Wendi Schneider (online) 2022 — Shadows & Light, The Glasgow gallery of photography, Glasgow, UK (online) 2022 — Quiet Landscape, PhotoPlace Gallery, Vermont, USA / Juror: Jacob & Alissa Hessler 2022 — International Photography. The Glasgow gallery of photography, Glasgow, UK


Edge of Humanity Magazine, January 31, 2023 Aesthetica Magazine, Directory choice, #110, aestheticamagazine.com/profile/elli-asker/ ArtDoc Photography Magazine, Image & Identity Bruxelles Art Vue — Power of Color, 5th edition, Brussels, 2021 ArtDoc Photography Magazine, www.artdoc.photo/submissions/night-light-in-uppsala, 2022 Photographic Mercadillo FB — Album of Elli Asker «Ukrainian refugees», 2022


  • Member of «Saltskog gård Studio and Culture Association», Sweden, 2024
  • Member and curator of Art Association «Södertälje Circuit/Kretsen», Sweden, 2023
  • Former member of European Press Agency (EUPA) 2022-2023

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